Okay, so fast forward to tonight. I had dinner with two friends and one was craving pizza. So we decided to split a THIN crust pizza. My other friend decided to try the calzone.
So after a while, the pizza comes. It's mighty tasty and scalding hot. So in a few minutes the server makes her way to our table and informs us that his calzone is taking longer to bake and is on it's way. So i see her carrying this THICK calzone pie from across the room. And she's coming our way. She sets it down on our table. It's FREAKING HUGE. Think: super thick pizza fiasco from the last time.
Since my friend specifically ordered the calzone, shouldn't she have informed him/us that it was a huge pie and not just a slice? Something that big and thick you usually share with a table or small group. I mean, it's ALOT of food. Think: two huge pizzas squished together.
Don't get me wrong.... but geez! seriously. seriously. SERIOUSLY! Should she have warned us that it could feed an Army for 3 days?

This is the thin crust pizza that should have taken the spotlight. It was dee-licious.

This is the calzone. Good Stuff! But seriously, it feeds ALOT more than one person.
So much for "thin crust low-cal night".
Okay. I think i actually Feel better now! *sigh*
(DISCLAIMER: I know i vowed to never EVER EVER use my camera phone feature, but the truth is i don't carry a point & shoot digital with me. So some future shots will more than likely come from my MOTO RAZR phone).